JAMB Subject Combination for Policy And Strategic Studies
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Strategic studies is an interdisciplinary academic field centered on the study of conflict and peace strategies, often devoting special attention to the relationship between international politics, geostrategy, international diplomacy, international economics, and military power. In the scope of the studies are also subjects such as the role of intelligence, diplomacy, and international cooperation for security and defense. The subject is normally taught at the post-graduate academic or professional, usually strategic-political and strategic-military levels.
The academic foundations of the subject began with classic texts initially from the Orient such as Sun Tzu’s Art of War and went on to gain a European focus with Carl von Clausewitz’s On War. Like Clausewitz, many academics in this field reject monocausal theories and hypotheses that reduce the study of conflict to one independent variable and one dependent variable. Already in the late eighteenth century, a colourful mathematician named Dietrich Heinrich von Bülow attempted to establish mathematical formulae for the conduct of war.
Carl von Clausewitz rejected Bülow’s approach and his popular claim that warfare could be reduced to positivist, teachable principles of war. Instead of formulae, we find Clausewitz stressing, time and again, that the whole purpose of educating the military commander is not to give him a series of answers for the task he will face (the complexities of which cannot be foreseen), but to educate him about different aspects of what will face him so as to let him evaluate the situation for himself, and develop his own strategy. Strategic thinkers on the whole will search for recurrent patterns, which in themselves cannot predict the characteristics of any individual case even if it doubtless fits a larger category; not all patterns of characteristics will be found in all cases.
The Bachelor’s Degree in Policy And Strategic Studies is competitive. Knowing the prerequisites will enable you have seamless registration and also avoid unnecessary mistakes.
This page provides the following:
- Policy And Strategic Studies O’Level Subjects and Requirements;
- Policy And Strategic Studies Direct Entry Subject and Requirements;
- Policy And Strategic Studies UTME Subjects Combination;
- And other useful information that will enable you to make the right choices so that you gain admission to study Policy And Strategic Studies.
Please read the Policy And Strategic Studies programme admission requirements below carefully. If you meet the required prerequisites you may proceed with your UTME/Direct Entry registration.
PLEASE NOTE: There are variations to the requirements listed below in some universities. In that case, it’s advisable you make references to the PDF version of JAMB Brochure.
List of Universities Offering Policy And Strategic Studies
UTME and Direct Entry Requirements to Study Policy And Strategic Studies
Direct Entry Requirement for Policy And Strategic Studies:
- Two 2 A Level passes in Social Sciences including Geography and Economics
UTME Requirement for Policy And Strategic Studies:
- Five (5) SSC credits passes including English Language Government and a pass in Mathematics O Level
UTME Subject combination for Policy And Strategic Studies:
- Government and any other two (2) from the following Economics, Geography, History Accounting, Commerce
NOTE: Kindly make references to JAMB Brochure for remarks/waiver for Policy And Strategic Studies. CLICK HERE TO ACCESS JAMB BROCHURE
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