JAMB Subject Combination for Physical Education And Recreation
We are aware at aidstotrade.com that you are searching for JAMB Subject Combination for Physical Education And Recreation then you are not alone.
Physical education, also known as Phys Ed., PE, gym, or gym class, and in some Commonwealth countries as physical training or PT,[1] is a class that pupils are required to take at school. It is taken during primary and secondary education and encourages psychomotor learning in a play or movement exploration setting to promote health and physical fitness.
In addition, physical literacy is a 21st-century term that first emerged in the sport literature before also being applied to physical education. The concept of physical literacy covers a variety of conditions for a student. Whether it is motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding for student. Teachers implement these different concepts into their lesson plans to teach and develop students accordingly and appropriately for their individual success and education.
Whether the class produces positive effects on students’ health, behaviour, and academic performance depends upon the kind of program that is taught. Physical Education programs vary all over the world. However, there are worldwide organizations that allow for a better understanding of how much exercise a child should be getting daily. Popular games in PE include football, netball, hockey, rounders, athletics and cricket.
The Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education And Recreation is competitive. Knowing the prerequisites will enable you have seamless registration and also avoid unnecessary mistakes.
This page provides the following:
- Physical Education And Recreation O’Level Subjects and Requirements;
- Physical Education And Recreation Direct Entry Subject and Requirements;
- Physical Education And Recreation UTME Subjects Combination;
- And other useful information that will enable you to make the right choices so that you gain admission to study Physical Education And Recreation.
Please read the Physical Education And Recreation programme admission requirements below carefully. If you meet the required prerequisites you may proceed with your UTME/Direct Entry registration.
PLEASE NOTE: There are variations to the requirements listed below in some universities. In that case, it’s advisable you make references to the PDF version of JAMB Brochure.
List of Universities Offering Physical Education And Recreation
UTME and Direct Entry Requirements to Study Physical Education And Recreation
Direct Entry Requirement for Physical Education And Recreation:
- (i) Two (2) A Level passes in Biology/Botany and any other subject.
UTME Requirement for Physical Education And Recreation:
- Five (5) O Level credit passes to include Biology or Health Science.
UTME Subject combination for Physical Education And Recreation:
- Biology and two (2) relevant subjects.
NOTE: Kindly make references to JAMB Brochure for remarks/waiver for Physical Education And Recreation. CLICK HERE TO ACCESS JAMB BROCHURE.
That’s the much we can take on the topic “JAMB Subject Combination for Physical Education And Recreation”.
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