Top 21 Countries With The Lowest Population: There are several nations with millions or even hundreds of millions of residents. However, there are certain nations whose populations are smaller than that of even medium-sized cities.
There aren’t many locations for people to live and work in these countries since there is so little available space. As a result, due to a shortage of resources and territory, the potential of the least populous countries in the world to produce wealth and prosperity is severely constrained. introducing the world’s least populous nations this morning.
Top 21 Countries With The Smallest Population 2023
1. Mongolia – 3,068,243: Mongolia has relatively little agricultural land and is among the least inhabited nations in Asia since a large portion of the nation is covered in mountains and deserts.
The population of Mongolia is projected to be 3,068,243. In and around Ulaanbaatar, the nation’s capital, around 40 to 45 percent of the total population live. The primary religion of Mongolia is Buddhism, while the official language and most widely used is Mongolian.
2. Bhutan – 758 288: South Asia’s Bhutan is a tiny, mountainous nation. The nation, which is endowed with both natural beauty and a distinctive culture, is situated in the heart of the eastern Himalayas. Bhutan, the third least populated nation in Asia, has just 758,288 people living there in 38,394 square kilometers.
The two largest ethnic groups of Bhutan are Ngalop and Sharchop, and Dzongkha is the official language of the country. 75, or 3%, of Bhutanese practice Lama Buddhism.
3. Montenegro – 642,550: The ninth-smallest country by population in Europe is Montenegro, which is located in southeast Europe and has an Adriatic Sea coastline. The estimated population of the nation was 642,550. The majority of people in the nation are Slavic in origin. The sole official language of Montenegro is Montenegrin. The capital and largest city of Montenegro is Podgorica.
4. Suriname – 591 919: With a population of 591,919, South America is the nation in Suriname with the lowest population. Along with being the smallest nation on the continent, it has a 63,252 square mile area (163,821 km2).
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