Meaning And Types Of Agriculture: Agriculture is among the oldest forms of employment, and it is still quite profitable today. The term “agriculture” comes from two Latin words: “ager” or “agri,” which means “soil,” and “cultura,” which means “soil … [Read more...]
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Mixed Farming
Advantages and Disadvantages of Mixed Farming: Farming is basically the business of cultivating land and raising livestock. While the business of farming can be done distinctively, there can as well be a combination, and where there is, it is known … [Read more...]
Major Differences Between Subsistence and Commercial Agriculture
Differences Between Subsistence and Commercial Agriculture: Agriculture remains one of the strongest footholds of the world’s economy. Ranging from the different types of food we eat which varies from place to place, to the clothes we wear, and down … [Read more...]
Effective Ways of Controlling Harmful Farm Insects
Ways of Controlling Harmful Farm Insects: Insects are considered as pests for so many reasons which could include the direct damage of plants in the farm through the process of feeding on them. Harmful insects are those species of insects which … [Read more...]
Most Profitable Agricultural Businesses to Start
Most Profitable Agricultural Businesses: There are multiple business opportunities in the agricultural industry, and one good thing about the industry is that there is a market for all of the products that the industry makes, even though agriculture … [Read more...]
Ways of Controlling Harmful Farm Insects/Pests
Ways of Controlling Harmful Farm Insects: Insects are considered as pests for so many reasons which could include the direct damage of plants in the farm through the process of feeding on them. Harmful insects are those species of insects which … [Read more...]